Anti-foam Agent 1#
It is an oil soluble antifoam additive.
Effectively inhibit the formation of foam.
Keep good compatibility with base oils.
Show low impact on the air release value.
Be applied to oils with required air release value, for example anti-wear hydraulic oil, compressor oil etc.
Be poured into oils by spraying at 60°C-70°C¥ 0.00Buy now
Anti-foam Agent 2#
It is an oil soluble antifoam additive.
Effectively inhibit the formation of foam.
Keep good compatibility with base oils.
Show good anti-foaming ability.
Be applied to oils forming strong foams, for example gear oil and engine oil.
Be poured into oils by spraying at 60°C-70°C.¥ 0.00Buy now
Antifoam Agent 3#
Antifoam Agent
It is a water soluble antifoam additive.
It is an organosilicone compound.
Show continuous defoaming effect.
Provide good water solubility and rapid dispersion ability.
Be used for antifreeze, semi-synthetic liquid and synthetic chemical solution.
Be applied in textile printing and dyeing, medical, pesticide, waste water treatment industry etc.
Dilute with water before use.¥ 0.00Buy now
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Factory 1: Jinzhou Donggong Petrochemical Products Co.,Ltd.
Address: Hetun Industry Park,Guta ,Jinzhou city, China
Factory 2: Liaoning Donggong Lubricant Addtives Co.,Ltd.
Address: Chemical Industry Park,XingLongTai ,Panjin city, China
Domestic Bussiness: +86-(0)416-3975008
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