Thiadiazole Derivative T561
Anti-rust Agent - Lubricant Additive
Introduction and application
It's a corrosion inhibitor additive.
Show good anti-oxidation and copper corrosion inhibition properties.
Effectively solve the problem of hydrolytic stability of formula oil.
Effectively prevent metals from oxidation and inhibit the catalytic effect of metals on oxidation reaction.
Be used in gear oil, hydraulic oil, engine oil and industrial oil, etc.
Dosage Reference
0.01-0.5%¥ 0.00Buy now
Petroleum Barium Sulfonate T701
Antirust Agent - Lubricant Additive
Introduction and application
It is a dark brown liquid additive.
Provide excellent resistance to humidity, salt spray, saline water.
Show excellent antirust properties to the ferrous and nonferrous metals.
Show good oil solubility and thermal stability.
Inhibit corrosion and rust to metal.
Form protection film on the metal surface.
Be used to blending antirust oils and greases etc.
Dosage Reference
3~15%¥ 0.00Buy now
Petroleum Sodium Sulfonate T702A(HLB9.6)
Anti-rust Agent - Lubricant Additives
Introduction and application
It is water solubility additive.
Provide excellent antirust and lubrication property.
Show good emulsification and dispersibility.
Show good hydrophilicity characteristics.
Be suitable for metal working fluids.
Be used to blending cutting oil, emulsified oil and semi-synthetic cutting fluid etc.
Dosage Reference
3~15%¥ 0.00Buy now
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Factory 1: Jinzhou Donggong Petrochemical Products Co.,Ltd.
Address: Hetun Industry Park,Guta ,Jinzhou city, China
Factory 2: Liaoning Donggong Lubricant Addtives Co.,Ltd.
Address: Chemical Industry Park,XingLongTai ,Panjin city, China
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